Best in class, noticeably superior control of Target Spot in potatoes

MIRAVIS® Features and Benefits

  • MIRAVIS® delivers powerful and dependable control of Target Spot in potatoes
  • Reduces Target Spot infections prolonging green leaf area, maximising yield potential
  • Rainfast within 1 hour providing flexibility with peace of mind
  • Highly compatible allowing tank mixes which delivers one pass disease and insect control
  • A best in class, noticeably superior fungicide for the management of Target Spot
Target spot early blight in potatoes

MIRAVIS® treated versus untreated - Electron micrograph scans inside the leaf

MIRAVIS® was used preventatively on the leaf in Figure 1, while the leaf in Figure 2 was left untreated.
6 days after inoculation with Alternaria you can see Alternaria mycelia inside the leaf of the untreated and cell collapse and leaf damage.

Potatoes - Miravis treated versus untreated



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