Disease Management

Australian potato crops are susceptible to a variety of diseases that can significantly impact on yield and quality. To prevent and minimise losses, intervention is often necessary and growers need to be equipped with the latest knowledge and techniques.

Syngenta provides growers with a number of effective solutions to help manage diseases in-furrow and during storage.  Between Amistar and Ridomil Gold, Syngenta has got your crop covered when it comes to disease protection.

Amistar logo


Highly active against fungal plant diseases: leaf spots, powdery mildew, rusts &

Amistar Top logo

Amistar Top

Broad spectrum disease control of Target Spot & Late Blight.

Bravo Weather Stik logo

Bravo Weatherstik

Provides protection in adverse conditions from Target spot & Late Blight.

Miravis logo


Best in class, noticeably superior control of Target Spot in Potatoes.

Miravis Prime logo

Miravis Prime

Offers targeted control of key diseases potatoes.

Ridomil Gold MZ logo

Ridomil Gold MZ WG

Controls early blight, late blight and pink rot.

Score logo


Controls target spot of potatoes.

man standing in a potato crop field

Crop Establishment

Utilise Syngenta’s market leading combination of seed treatment and in-furrow

Potato crop field

Weed Control in potatoes

The benefits of effective weed control in potato crops are many, including better use

Potatoes being dropped out of a bag

Desiccation and post-harvest

Desiccation of potato vines prevents late blight fungus on the vines from infecting


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Provides growers with exclusive tools to produce sustainable premium potatoes.