David Stead


Focusing on sustainability and profitability – Agronomist, Anasazi Agronomy, York, WA

David has been a key asset to Australian farming since arriving from Zimbabwe 10 years ago. With a background in ecology, David was involved in early conceptual agronomy in Zimbabwe, largely with cotton, tobacco and maize. He also has experience in intensive agriculture, including growing flowers for the Dutch export market. Since coming to Australia, David gained experience in Landmark and Farmanco before branching into his own business, Anasazi Agronomy Pty Ltd.

David is currently focused on assessing the best way to care for soil to safeguard sustainability.

“We could probably drive productivity a lot more by whacking in chemicals and fertiliser, but it’s not sustainable and a high risk situation that you put yourself into. So my focus has been soil, soil type, assessing what we’re dealing with and trying to find out what’s the best way to care for soil and get the best we can out of it.”