East Gippsland Vegetable Innovation Days (EGVID)

EGVID 2020 banner

EGVID showcases Syngenta leafy vegetable innovations.

Held in Lindenow, Victoria, the East Gippsland Vegetable Innovation Days showcase innovative practices and new industry trends, through field demonstrations and for the first time, virtual experiences. 
Organisers limited the number of visitors in attendance, due to COVID-19. Syngenta Territory Sales Manager Lisa Dillion was among the fortunate few who were able to attend, sharing insights about recent innovations like ORONDIS® FLEXI and discussing the pending registration of MIRAVIS® PRIME. 

“These one-on-one discussions allow us to focus on the particular challenges growers face and reflect on the importance of bringing new chemistry to the market,” Lisa said. 
“The EGVID organising committee delivered a world class event, sharing invaluable data, learnings and insights in support of growers, to sustainably improve yield, combat disease and produce perfect crops to feed the world.”

We’ve collated some highlights of the event, so please take a look for yourself. 

ORONDIS® Flexi for Leafy Vegetables
MIRAVIS PRIME - rainfast within one hour

Orondis Flexi - Leafy vegetables Technical Notes

Specific application tech notes for leafy vegetables and lettuce


Lettuce Fungicide Spray Program

EGVID focus: Innovative crop solutions


Rocket Fungicide Spray Program

EGVID focus: Innovative crop solutions


Leafy vegetables program

Learn about the Syngenta solutions for leafy vegetables.


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