The FastStart Cotton Program

CSD FastStart cotton


FastStart is a collaboration between Syngenta & Cotton Seed Distributors that combines world leading cotton genetics, chemistry and technologies, resulting in strong, healthy establishment and robust growth in the early stages of a crop’s life up until flowering.

CSD aims to provide every cotton grower the highest net return potential from the cotton varieties CSD produces. And to achieve this we work closely with companies such as Syngenta to develop the highest quality planting seed and treatments possible.

Together, Syngenta & CSD developed the FastStart program to screen novel technologies & support the development of practical tools to help growers address cotton establishment challenges whilst also driving cotton yield potential and supporting the Australian cotton industry.

How FastStart cotton program is funded
FastStart Cotton Program - 10 Achievements Over 10 Years
FastStart Establishment Awards 2020 Dryland Winner
Research and Development Banner

FastStart Research & Development Trial Program Reports

FastStart R&D Fund has contributed to over 25 industry research projects.

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FastStart Cotton

A research and development program between Syngenta and Cotton Seed Distributors.