SALTRO® Duo - The ultimate combination providing comprehensive control of seedling blackleg, rhizoctonia and pythium in canola.

SALTRO® Duo is a powerful combination of two leading seed treatments, specifically designed for Australian Canola growers. Containing Syngenta’s unique SDHI fungicide SALTRO® and the recognised high performer MAXIM® XL, this fighting combination offers the most powerful protection against a range of damaging establishment diseases, including seedling blackleg, rhizoctonia and pythium.

Enhanced Product Benefits

  • SALTRO® Duo is a twin pack of SALTRO® and MAXIM® XL providing the broadest spectrum disease control available in canola

  • Superior protection of canola seedlings from blackleg infection, reducing stem cankers while maximising yield potential

  • Provides multiple fungicide modes of action, which delivers resistance management benefits

  • Unparalleled seed safety, having no impact on seed germination and promoting vigorous, healthy seedlings

  • A best in class, superior seed treatment for the control of blackleg, pythium and rhizoctonia in canola, delivering yield improvements compared to Jockey* Stayer*

Reviews Are In - SALTRO® Duo
SALTRO­® Duo controls blackleg in tough conditions
Damien reflects on SALTRO® Duo first use

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