Michael Nixon

Michael Nixon

Riverlodge Assets, North Plantations WA


Michael sees the Australian agriculture industry as a livelihood for thousands of Australian families and a means to a secure future for his local community. He believes the key to industry success is communication and he is passionate about connecting the agriculture industry.

Michael started his career as a mixed broadacre farmer. Twelve years ago, he and his wife Catriona decided to move to Carnarvon to become banana growers. While he could not have foreseen the large learning curve that came with this change, Michael and Catriona worked hard to overcome the many challenges they faced. As such, Michael has found that the only way to succeed is to keep learning, and he achieves that for himself through collaboration with a wide variety of farmers and industry stakeholders.

Michael and Catriona have since moved into growing other crops including onions, beetroots and melons alongside their bananas. In fact, they have become the largest basil and onion grower in Carnarvon.

As part of this enterprise, Michael works to ensure safe and fair treatment of seasonal workers, including taking the time to implement a comprehensive induction program.

He is active in a number of industry groups including Carnarvon Growers’ Association and and he is an AusVeg board member. Michael was also a past committee member of the Fruit Fly Committee, which helped establish Carnarvon’s Fruit Fly Free status. Through these groups, Michael represents his local growing community while working to navigate regulatory red tape. Importantly, Michael’s efforts have resulted in expedited and increased government support for cyclone victims in the Carnarvon area.