Ian Crosthwaite


Broadacre crops and pastures – Agronomist, BGA Agriservices Kingaroy, QLD

With experience at QLD DAFF and BGA AgriServices, Ian has a passion for agronomy that has seen him remain in the field rather than move to sales or management. He values grower relationships and supports these beyond just agronomy. Ian fosters young agronomists, and conducts many field trips and educational workshops. He is heavily involved in Landcare and stewardship initiatives.

Ian has played a key role in flood and drought assistance by working in committees. He provides help ranging from technical advice to repair work, and assisting with meetings which address both financial and personal issues. This is in addition to one-on-one grower support and personal assistance.

“I’d like to keep on doing what I’m doing. I like to work at grassroots level. I look at how you can best work with a number of different people and groups and I think that over the last few years I’ve done a pretty reasonable job. At the moment I can’t see a change in the way I do things. It’s all very rewarding.”